We're now in the process of booking for the 2024-2025 School Year! HISTORY’S ALIVE! is doing it’s best to be
your greatest value for the greatest shows you can bring to your great
students! No matter what your school's policy ends up being, I’m trying everything to bring an amazing show to your kids!
So where are
those prices? At the request of several of my booking agencies, I can no
longer list those prices online. Some people, much smarter than I and
much less scrupulous than you, had used my published prices to argue over
legitimate technical developments, travel expenses (may not be a problem this year!) and business costs. I apologize for this
monumental inconvenience. I will happily supply my prices by phone or
email. I sincerely make every effort to offer you a competitive price for
a truly exceptional show.
Savings Strategy #1:
Block Booking
This will be something entirely new this year. By booking two schools very close to one another on
the same day, I’m able to offer you a substantial discount. If you call in
conjunction with another school in your area, the two schools can split the
discount. Call to see if I'm booked anywhere near your town. If you are able to schedule your school on the same day, I’ll give you the entire discount ($100 for a single show, $150 for a
Savings Strategy #2:
Materials are Going Green
Teachers’ Guides, Student Worksheets and other promotional materials will be
emailed to you. You can save on printing costs by forwarding them to your
teachers and students via email. Not only will you be saving the planet,
you’ll save a few dollars.
Savings Strategy #3: Money You Don’t Have to Spend
This is
“The Field Trip That Comes To You!” I
Think of anything else? Give me a
call! I’m doing everything I can to help you and your students!